At Awesome Tutors, we set the highest standards of tutoring services. If you believe that the tutor assigned to you agreed to provide unethical service, please, report this case for abuse.
We are strongly against both using or offering third-party homework assistance and impersonating a student for exams or tests.
We are strongly against using another person's work without giving them due credit.
We are strongly against sharing or publishing of content depicting nudity or other sexually explicit material by tutors.
We are strongly against tutors being engaged in activities that violate the law or academic policies. We have a zero tolerance policy for facilitating drug use, weapons and explosives sale or resale, bidding or gambling.
We are strongly against tutors sharing content that promotes hatred, violence, or threatens and harasses others.
We are strongly against tutors asking for your confidential information: passwords, credit card details, bank account numbers or similar types of private information.
If you want to report a case that doesn't fall under the aforementioned conditions, please select this option.
Please note that we won't let the tutor know who reported them. Moreover, we will immediately suspend their account, if they do not not comply with the above-mentioned policies, terms and conditions or privacy policy of our service.